Saturday, June 25, 2011


Icebox is the name of a gallery in Northeast Minneapolis. It has been in existence since 1988, and is currently located at Suite #443 on 1500 Jackson Street NE. It offers workshops, framing and exhibits by local and international photographers.

The current exhibit is by Italian photographer Maurizio Marcato called PIN ART.

PIN ART is the world premiere of 24 new photographic images created by Maurizio Marcato one of Italy’s most diverse and creative photographers. This exhibit celebrates the classic beauty, style and humor found in the Pin-Up.

Maurizio Marcato’s images were inspired by his love of beauty, nostalgia and freedom that he first felt growing up in northern Italy in the early 1960s in the after math of Second World War. As a young boy Maurizio took a liking to the idealized beauty of the Pin Ups that he saw used in advertising. It was glimpses of the work of Joyce Ballantyne, Al Buell, Edward Runci, and the great Gil Elvgren that left a lasting impression on Maurizio Marcato.

The term Pin Up first appeared in 1941, but the illustrated style goes back to the late 1800s. The original Pin Up artists were painters and illustrators who employed the camera as the first step in making their creations. The artist would often photograph a model appearing to be caught in the moment of an unfortunate incident causing skirts and petticoats to be lifted revealing an embarrassing lingerie display. From that photograph they would paint and illustrate the final image.

In Maurizio’s work the camera captures the moment and in post-production the images are made to appear flawless, stylized and colored in ways that resemble paintings. Each model is chosen with great care to possess a combination of youthful beauty, bright-eyed innocence and then dressed and made-up in a vintage style. Great care is taken to make the scene detailed and styled with objects and props. Two themes are displayed in this exhibit: the game of Billiards and the pleasurable experience of beer drinking.

You can read about the history of this gallery, get directions and find more information about its workshops and services on its website: ICEBOX.

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