Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jpeg vs Raw - an updated view

The Jpeg vs Raw discussion is again on the table due to new in-camera processing by Canon, Nikon, Fuji and other camera system (even MFT). The Online Photographer is a good place to start but we will post other links as we find them. PSCS and Paint Shop Pro aren't going anywhere soon, but it certainly explains the interest in Lightroom and Aperture. If Jpeg is being processed so well in-camera, and it is easier to do small adjustments in Lightroom and Aperture, then why spend a lot of time in bigger and more expensive programs for normal, day to day imaging. Keep the big guns for special, more arty images and let LTRM and Aperture do the heavy lifting.

For balance, be sure and read the comments. Most of the responders are skilled and offer alternative information that will be helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In his Feb 27 blog entry "Deja Vu Deja Vu Again" ( Thom Hogan has posted an excellent re-visit of the "JPEG is Good Enough" debate especially as it now applies to video.

There is nothing wrong with JPEG for some circumstances and the vast majority of people with cameras. But the bottom line has always been that if you are a professional or dedicated photographer who really cares about their photographs then you will usually (also) save the digital data in the most optimal data format - which is RAW. The same is true for video. Period. End of Debate.

(Hint - try changing your color balance for a JPEG archived image if you accidentally messed up the original setting, it doesn't work so well ...)