Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crosstown Camera outing to Grand Marais - February

Peter Wong of the Crosstown Camera Club organized an outing last month in warm and sunny Grand Marais. It was sunny for three of the four days resulting in number of beautiful sunrise photos of the harbor there. However, it wasn't warm. At a sunrise shoot one morning the temperature was between -7° and -15° before the windchill. Despite the cold everyone had a very warm and wonderful time. We stayed at the East Bay Condos right on the lake and within walking distance to the harbor where many of these shots were taken. Despite the cold many of us ventured out to other areas around Grand Marais to take some of the shots seen in this video. Our thanks to John Olson for producing this video.

The members of Crosstown hope to put on more organized photo shoots in areas of interest to its members and may send out notice of these outings to the other clubs as well, so any members can attend. One is already planned for Lanesboro Minnesota in August, and Crosstown hopes to have other day and overnight trips planned this spring and fall. Also, club members are participating in Rikk Flohr's badlands workshop this May. The May workshop is filled, but remember Rikk has another one scheduled in December and Alec Johnson is hosting one in June.

Untitled from Mark Karney on Vimeo.

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