Friday, September 17, 2010


Many of the newest digital cameras feature HD video capability. This gives photographers another creative tool to explore. One amazing use is to shoot time-lapse videos.

You Tube features a time lapse HD channel that contains some excellent examples of this creative art form. Go to the You Tube channel to view time lapse videos of the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and a forest fire, among others. Make sure you view the time lapse sequence of Vancouver City that shows fog rolling into and out of that city.

As the capabilities of digital cameras increase it's likely that we'll see many more creative video techniques in addition to time lapse productions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Vancouver City HD Video, as with all of these videos on this YouTube channel, was NOT shot with the HD video capability of the newest digital cameras. They were shot with basic digital cameras using a digital remote timer (which can be had for about $30). Each single digital image has far more resolution than is required for HD video so the images were resized down and then combined to make the video. Having high capacity memory cards now available makes this possible.

You could make such similar videos using something as simple a Canon Powershot camera and installing the CHDK ( on a memory card - time lapse photography is one of the capabilities of this software.